Caut partener pentru jucat bridge - detalii aici.
Bine ati venit pe paginile mele personale de web!
Numele meu este Stefan Puscasu, sunt nascut in 1973 si am doi copii - Mara (nascuta in 2006) si Matei (nascut in 2008). Sunt originar din Brasov dar din anul 1992, de la varsta de 19 ani traiesc in Bucuresti, unde am absolvit facultatea Automatica si Calculatoare din cadrul Politehnicii. Gasiti mai jos cateva site-uri dedicate pasiunilor mele. Vizionare placuta!
Welcome to my personal web pages!
My name is Stefan Puscasu, born 1973; I have two children - Mara (born 2006, girl) and Matei (born 2008, boy). I was raised in Brasov, Romania but in 1992, at the age of 19 I've moved to Bucharest where I graduated the Computer Systems faculty of the Polytechnic University. You'll find below some sites for my interests and hobbies. Enjoy your stay!
Colectia mea de monede si bancnote; contine listele actualizate cu monede si bancnote disponibile pentru schimburi precum si diverse articole pe aceasta tema (in limba romana).
My coin and banknote collection; contains the lists of coins and banknotes which I have for swapping (mostly only in Romanian, partially in English or Italian).
Poze, descrieri si comentarii din excursiile mele la munte, in Romania si in strainatate, din 2002 pana in prezent (in limba romana).
Pictures, descriptions and comments from my mountain trips, inside Romania and abroad, from 2002 until now (in English).
Galerie foto cu locomotivele si automotoarele din Romania, atat cele are CFR cat si cele ale operatorilor privati (in limba romana).
Photo Gallery with the Romanian locomotives, both by CFR and by private operators (in English, Italian or Hungarian).
Galerii foto cu mijloacele de transport in comun urban din Bucuresti si alte 52 orase din Romania (in limba romana).
Public transport photos from Bucharest and 52 other Romanian cities (in English, Italian, French, German or Hungarian).
Prezentarea schematica in doua tabele a sistemului de licitatie Trefla de Precizie din jocul de bridge (in limba romana).
A schematic presentation in two tables of the Precision Club bridge bidding system (only in Romanian).
Statistici si liste cu zborurile de pe aeroportul Bucuresti Otopeni, grupate si indexate dupa zile, companii, aeroporturi si tari (in limba romana).
Statistics and lists with flights to and from Bucharest Otopeni airport, grouped and indexed by day, company, airport and country (only in Romanian).